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miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011


In different colonies held a series of questions to friends and they said the following:

Andres you like to wear in spring?
I like to use in spring light clothing, shorts, shirts, sandals, when it's cold light sweaters and shirts.

Felipe you use warm clothes in summer?
No, it is very hot, so I like to wear light clothing in summer and allow me to have fun on holiday, because during summer holidays are long over, then use light clothing and comfortable to enjoy myself playing with my friends.

Rosie in the summer you use light clothes?
Of course not, I wear light clothing in the fall with sweaters and jackets for the strong winds of this season of the year.

Arturo tell me that you love to use in winter?
I like to use in winter warm clothing such as jackets, sweaters, pants, scarves, hats, warm socks and shoes.

¿Yazmin what clothes you like to use in autumn?
In the fall I like to wear jeans, shirts, jackets for the evening and sometimes wear glasses

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